Or that other friend often has their nails painted with amazing designs?
This is their signature style.
A signature style or trademark transforms an outfit from generic to personal; it can be as simple as an accessory or as fantastic as a certain type of outfit.
For instance, your clothing could reflect a certain era of time. For example, if you are a fan of Audrey Hepburn, your outfits could have a 60s flair.
Having an assortment of bow bracelets or a collection of zany shoes could be you trademark.
A few thing to remember when you are choosing your style:
- Who do you want others to perceive you as? Classic, dramatic, fun loving?
- You want to truly love it, because people will relate it to you.
- You want it to be something that will survive throughout the ever changing trends. Not just a fad that is here today and gone tomorrow.
- If you are having trouble, you could try one style for a week and try a different one for another week. See which one makes you feel more like yourself.
- Have fun!!! It can seem daunting to choose a style... Chill!
- Watch out! Certain styles can send inappropriate messages, so be cautious when you choose your style.
- Remember to show the beautiful self God made you to be, and not to buy into the lie that the media is advertises.