They were once required when leaving the house, now however, hats are an optional fashion statement.
Thankfully though, it is easy to be unique when wearing them, because they are so rare on the everyday scene.
They can make amazing signature styles!
For example:
Tiffany Lee (Plumb) is a Christian music artist I enjoy listening to.
She uses hats as her signature style.
When you choose a hat to wear, it's shape should be opposite to what your face shape is.
For example: If you have a round face, try not to wear round hats. If you have a long face, stay away from tall hats.
Your hats should compliment the skin tone of your face.
See how the light hat doesn't add color, but the black hat adds contrast and sophistication to her face.
(If she had a darker complexion, the lighter hat would provide more contrast; therefore, it would be more complimentary to her skin pigmentation.)

I love Hats!! I use to wear them a lot when I was younger. I was looking at some of our pictures and they do look cool so maybe we can bring them back. ;o)
ReplyDelete~ Sophia
P.S great tips!